Im Februar machten sich Andi Valentin, Johannes Scharl und Klaus und Tine Listl auf den Weg nach Georgien. Tine Listl berichtet hier von der eindrucksvollen Reise. Das kleine Land am Schwarzen Meer birgt die verschiedensten Landschaften von Palmen und Bambus am Meer bis hin zu 5000ern an der Grenze zu Russland. Und genau das wollten wir sehen. Vom höchsten Lift im Skigebiet Gudauri auf 3300 Metern kann man ohne Anstieg 1000 hm Abfahrten bis zur Passstraße Richtung Russland fahren. Von dort ist die Fahrt zurück zu den Liften kurz und es findet sich immer eine Mitfahrgeleg... Details...
Goderdzi - the fourth ski resort in Georgia officially opened. Today, December 5, 2015, the opening new Georgian ski resort in Ajara - Goderdzi. The three ski resorts was operated in Georgia Gudauri, Bakuriani and Hatsvali until that time. The new resort Goderdzi is located in a unique climate zone in Adjara, on the Goderdzi Pass - just 100 kilometers from the Black Sea coast and 2000 meters above the sea level. Because of the proximity to the sea Goderdzi resort probably will receive the title of "The most snowy ski resort in Georgia" - today at the opening of ... Details...
Last winter Jones Snowboards team prorider and rider from the movie "Higher" - Luca Pandolfi, visited Georgia together with his friend Matteo. Jones Snowboards has published a report about the Luka's trip in Georgia - "Paradise found!" Last winter Jones Snowboards team prorider and rider from the movie "Higher" - Luca Pandolfi, visited Georgia together with his friend Matteo. Jones Snowboards has published a report about the Luka's trip in Georgia - "Paradise found!" Mountain guide and Ski photographer Oleg Gritskevich from company, has... Details...
What will impress and disappoint at the new ski resort in Georgia? - Photos and reflection of Marc Benoît before the opening of the resort Tetnuldi. Three winters in a row, Marc Benoît flew from France to Svaneti for ski touring and helicopter-skiing with the company Flory Kern, and recently he attended a presentation of a new ski resort Tetnuldi in Mestia and he was impressed with opportunities of the new resort. Here are emotions and thoughts of rider Marc Benoît from France, especially for SNOW.GE. ... Tetnuldi – in one year here will be tens of thousands of skiers... Details...
The boom of development and upgrades of ski resorts in the mountains of Georgia Until recently, most skiers and snowboarders have never heard that there are good skiing possibilities and modern ski resorts and infrastructure in Georgia. This country was more associated with the sun, the warmth, the vineyards, the sea and tangerines. Now, thanks to the development and construction of modern resorts in the mountains, Georgia attracts even the most discerning "hunters for the snow" - skiers, snowboarders and ski tourists. And the slogan "Sunny Georgia" until recently sounde... Details...
Ski resorts in Georgia are located in different mountain parts of the country, which provides a huge range of experience due to the differences in the cultural component of these regions and the different composition of snow. Skiing in Georgia (Country) All the necessary information for independent travel to the ski resorts in Georgia and skiing in Gudauri, Bakuriani, Mestia, Goderdzi, Tetnuldi. SNOW.GE - all the necessary information for independent travel to the ski resorts of Georgia - Gudauri, Bakuriani, Mestia, Goderdzi and Tetnuldi: a piste maps, a webcams, a... Details...
10 things to visit ski resorts of Georgia (Caucasus) - a unique snow, companionship, climate, skitour and unforgettable freeride, safety, ancient culture, perfect alcohol, excellent food, сaucasian hospitality. Skiing in Georgia. 1. Snow, trails and lifts In Georgian mountain resorts in winter deep snow cover is warranties (up to 3 meters). Ski trails are well-groomed, persistent and varied. There are unlimited opportunities for free ride. The resorts are equipped with modern Austrian and French lifts. 2. Easy to reach Air flight is fast and not expensive. Airp... Details...